
Thursday 19 December 2019

Clearing the path and happy holidays

Storm's arrival   sketchbook page and watercolour  12x12cm   ©2019LisaLeQuelenec

As I type the rain has started again - another storm is due. This will be my last post for the year as we are now racing toward the holidays. I have been reflecting on this year and have come to the conclusion that much of it has been spent straddling the line between realism and abstraction. I feel like I am at a border with a foot on each side like I need to make a decision on which direction to take. ( It occurs to me that part of this is a reflection of the influence of our political situation this year in the UK... It has certainly been a strange one.)

I know that in the coming year I would like to explore mark making in more depth and that colour might be making more of a comeback after so much grey and indigo (although that might just be a mini rebellion at the weather the last few weeks.) I think it will be a year of new ground and learning; I hope from time to time you will drop in and let me know what you think. So whilst some might think it a little odd to end the year on a stormy note I am seeing it as a positive - a clearing of the path to new and exciting things.

I wish you all a happy holidays however you celebrate the passing of a year, may 2020 be full of exciting opportunity, good health and happiness for you and yours. All my best wishes. Cheers!

Wednesday 4 December 2019

So I tried.......but I failed.....

Back at the beginning of November printmaker Sherrie York posted here about how she was going to return to a challenge of drawing 100 thumbnails in the month. What a challenge I thought to myself. I had read the post mid month and thought to myself I would give it a go myself with the aim of making it to 50. I have been a little undisciplined of late with my drawing practise and thought the challenge would give me the kick up the proverbial that I needed....

However 50 was a little ambitious I think at this time of year for me and I only managed 30 even though the maximum time I had spent on them was two minutes! How shameful - that's only an hours worth of drawing that I managed after all ;o)  I will do better this month (I hope) it's a nice challenge to get the juices flowing and a couple of these little scribbles might be the start of something in the future who knows...

Sherrie has posted a wonderful video of her Hundred which you can see here . I have to say they are amazing and show just what a skilled draughtswoman she is. Pop over and have a look. Now where is that sketchbook....

30 thumbnails for November   pencil on paper each one 5x5cm approx   ©2019LisaLeQuelenec