
Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Day out doodles - Hengistbury Head

Hengistbury Head
15x35cm pencil

Taking advantage of a sunny morning so out on the cliff top, we won't have many of these mornings left this year. It was just a very quick sketch on the way into town with posters for the exhibition. Ideas are starting to form for new work but this exhibition needs to be hung first before I can get started.


  1. Love the tall double spread proportions and high point of view with posts(?) and their cast shadows marching along the water's edge.

    Glad you stopped by my place earlier and left your comment.

  2. The posts are the groines that spread from Poole to Hengistbury head to stop all the sand from erroding. I always think they look like lampshades stuck at the waters edge, especially as they have a kind of red bucket shaped thing on top (-technical term). They can be really handy for getting verticals in a seascape ;o) Thank you for visiting.
