
Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Spring on the river

Spring on the River
acrylic on canvas 25x25cm
©Lisa Le Quelenec
I'm having a few problems getting online at the moment as my laptop is being temperamental in starting up and unfortunately big pooter is too. They have both been conspiring against me. I have been getting lots of work done though. Hopefully I'll be able to get the problem fixed soon and can get back to posting more regularly. I've really missed popping over to everyone elses blogs to see what they've been up to. I've not finished catching up yet but if you've a minute to spare have a look here to have a peek at Jeanette Jobson's latest painting. I love the way she's captured the silky smoothness of the flowing water.

In Spring on the River I've added darker areas to indicate the movement of the water. I've also played up the red/brown in the reeds (thanks Roger) which was much more subtle before. I'm really enjoying these river paintings as the nature and colour of the water is so different to painting seascapes, it's quite a different challenge.


  1. This is Beautiful!! Your changes made a very pleasing painting simply wonderful!

  2. Lovely subtle gradations of colour in this one, Lisa....Hope you get your tech problems sorted out soon.....

  3. I think this works really well Lisa. Hope your exhibition has been a goodie. Sorry I couldn't get to it.

  4. Hi Diane, thank you very much..(blushes)

    Hi Maggie, aren't tech problems a bind... it's taking over an hour to boot up and get online at the mo. (It'll be a re-installing weekend.) Thank you about the painting.

    Thank you Roger, I'm catching my breath before the next one!

    Have a great weekend.
