
Friday 8 February 2013

Honesty a mini series

Honesty I  23x23cm mixed media ©2013Lisa Le Quelenec
Honesty II  23x23cm mixed media ©2013Lisa Le Quelenec

I was thinking of positive/negative shapes and the translucency and patterns that the seedheads make. I can see so many areas to explore with this motif. It's also what I think is a start of a new love affair - Winsor & Newton's cobalt turquoise light. I used it with small touches of Winsor blue red shade in the backgrounds. I love the clear crispness of it.

Honesty III  23x23cm mixed media ©2013Lisa Le Quelenec
Honesty IV  23x23cm mixed media ©2013Lisa Le Quelenec


  1. So pretty and delicate. Love the blues in the background, Lisa.

  2. Hi there Lisa!... As delicate as your palette of blues and aquas are to the eye in each of the series... your thoughtful composityion is STRONG... and contirbutes to the unique quality of each one from the others! Clever... young Lady... and very competent results.

    Good luck with this series!

    Good painting!
    Warmest regards,

  3. Beautiful colours. I love the perspective of depth with the receding blues,very effective.

    I'd always grown honesty but haven't for many years. I should do so again as the seed heads are lovely.

  4. After staring at bold yellows in my own work for way too long, I found myself struck so strongly with the soothing aspect of these blues that I actually relaxed in my chair! The freshness is wonderful.

  5. Good morning Vandy, thank you.

    Hi Bruce, thank you. I made lots of thumbnails before painting which helped a lot on the composition. It seems to have paid off.

    Thank you Jeanette. These were amongst the first seeds I planted when we moved here. Now they pop up all over the place and would take over if left unchecked. I do enjoy them though as the flowers as well as the seedheads are gorgeous.

    Hello Sherrie, thank you. Your shoulders must need a break after printing 'the big one' so I hope I helped in a small way. It looks fabulous! I hope you are feeling better soon.

  6. Lisa, this is very good idea and motive! I like the gentle colors.
    It´s lovely.
