
Wednesday 24 September 2014

Watercolour shell studies

Shell studies 6x8inch approx ©2014Lisa Le Quelenec

Shell studies 6x8inch approx ©2014Lisa Le Quelenec
Shell studies 6x8inch approx ©2014Lisa Le Quelenec

Some new shell studies available individually at my Etsy store here .

I love painting shells, this series is growing and growing as I am always coming home with new subjects. With the little 'un' so close to the ground I'm thinking he might be a good hunter gatherer for new subjects too, in time ;o)


  1. Love shells, love these - so pretty and I could see them decorating my seaside cottage (now, if I only had a seaside cottage!!) Oh, yes, little ones have their eyes on the ground, picking up all kinds of things so he should be a great seeker and finder for you if you catch him before he puts it in his mouth :)

  2. Hiu Lisa!...My two buccaneers Liam an Bryn were my constant companions on treasure hunts to the seashore daily in our early Nova Scotian lives. They even set up a museum in a tool shed to show their discoveries.

    We never did find doubloons... but sand dollars and jack knife clams were amongst the booty... olsea glass and china shards stoked the imagination for all three of us in Neverland!

    Those were halcyon days... now memories that we sill chuckle about when we get together.

    They called the process "lurkin"... which I softened somewhat when speaking with ladies. It somehow took away any misunderstanding about what we were out there doing!

    Have fun painting... and day dreaming about your own adventures... soon to begin!

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  3. Hi Rhonda, thank you. Yep we are at the picking things up and putting them in the mouth stage... and if we are not doing that we are poking things we shouldn't. It's fun watching him explore his world - everything is magical. Best wishes.

    Welcome Eva, many thanks :o)

    Hi Bruce, great memories :o) When I was little I found an almost perfectly spherical stone (it was definitely a stone) and I convinced myself it was a cannonball. You reminded me of it and I'm wondering if it is still at my parents house... I will have to have a look next time I visit.
