Thursday 10 February 2022

Sea Air - getting inky in drypoint printmaking


Sea Air print on the right - inked plate on the left   8x15cm



It has been an inky mucky week - highly enjoyable.I have been working from my sketchbook in the previous post on some dry points. Each print is a little different as I adjust and experiment with the inking process.


Sea Air   8x15cm drypoint prints   ©2022LisaLeQuelenec



Once I print off some more from this series I will make them available in my Folksy  and Etsy stores. 


RH Carpenter said...

Looking good - can’t wait to see some of those sketches become prints - you have so many good ones to work with right now it should take you right through spring!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Thank you Rhonda. I hope so, I think some might even make it into paint...maybe jump into acrylic. I haven't painted in acrylic for such a long long time and it would be interesting to see what colour comes out...

Wishing you a great day, hopefully it is warmer where you are now.