Friday 10 May 2024

Submerge / Descend monoprint and mixed media


I was itching to play with my usual inky blues so indulged myself for a day with some monoprinting...

Submerge monoprint and mixed media 9.5x15cm   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Details from a lino stamp used in pebble monoprints   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

I enjoyed experimenting with layers of thick and thin ink and how they interacted. I used lots of ink extender for very thin and transparent layers (it works much like glaze medium in oil and acrylic painting). Once the prints were dry some pebbles were collaged in and extra white ink drawn in to enhance the light/current/flow. I wanted the feeling of being pulled gently under water.

Descend I -IV   monoprint and mixed media 9.5x15cm   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

The same prints just playing with layouts - seeing how they speak to each other/if they speak to each other.

Descend I - IV   monoprint and mixed media 9.5x15cm   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Sometimes erosion seems to happen quickly and violently as in a storm but sometimes it is the persistent, gradual and slow process of wearing surfaces over many years that leads up to the big event. I think this is true of painting/printing too. Some days you feel like you have made leaps in your work but it is all the days where tiny little steps have been made that are important to get to your goal. Slow and persistent - the message that I take from the sea.

The two prints at the top in the above photograph are available in my Etsy store  and the lower two are available in my Folksy store.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Spring or sea glass greens - coastal collage and mixed media


Untitled   Mixed media collage on A4ish watercolour paper  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Sand and water ripples ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

So much inspiration in this photograph...the colours and textures especially. I'm not sure what people think when they see me taking pictures of soggy sand but I am quite happy in my world 😊 This photograph could be the route of a lifetimes work there is so much that appeals to me.

Untitled   Mixed media collage on A4ish watercolour paper  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Ripples in the sand ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Untitled   Mixed media collage on A5ish watercolour paper  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

I have always been drawn to green stones, probably because they are rare here, and have some lovely green serpentine from Cornwall. The very pale textured pebble in the photo I am at a loss as to what it is but would love to know. The mintyness is lovely.

A selection of minty green pieces are available in my Folksy Store.

Trying out a little video - after much messing around with editing this is my first effort!

Ripples and reflections ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Piddock made hagstones ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Hag stones made by piddocks are a bit more unusual here too, I normally find them made by tidal erosion. The perfect circles put me in mind of Barbera Hepworth's sculptures and one of my favourite quotes from her:

'Many people select a stone or pebble to carry for the day, the weight and form and texture felt in our hands relates to the past and gives us a sense of universal force. The beautifully shaped stone washed up by the sea is a symbol of continuity a silent image of our desire for survival, peace and serenity.'    - Barbara Hepworth

Thursday 25 April 2024

Broken but Still Beautilful IV


April's model opted for a reclining pose to show off the voluptuous curves and well formed columella. The opposing curvatures of the form was a challenge with this one and I took a little liberty in strengthening the darkness of the shadows. As this shell seemed to be channelling a 40's movie starlet I figured it was all about the lighting. 

Broken but Still Beautiful II   pencil on A4 paper   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

The model for Broken but Still Beautiful IV   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Just another mention that my watercolour series 'Little Treasures' - paintings of shells and sea creatures is currently offered 40% off in my Folksy Store until the end of the month. Unfortunately I am still unable to post to the E.U. but can post nearly everywhere else.

Monday 22 April 2024

A spring sale on Folksy of little treasures - sea shells on the seashore


Spring sale until the end of April at Folksy  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Spring is slow in coming and I am dreaming of warmer, sunny, summer days so I thought I would have a little sale over in my Folksy store. These little treasures have been collected over the years from beaches visited or observed in aquariums and as museum specimens. They look lovely as collections or on their own - maybe as a gallery wall with your own collected treasures.

I am offering them with 40% off the usual retail price until the end of April - P&P depends on how far they have to travel to your part of the world. In the past many have crossed oceans to find new homes sometimes on the coast and some further inland. It is always fun for me to see where they will wash up next.

Spring sale until the end of April at Folksy  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Spring sale until the end of April at Folksy  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Spring sale until the end of April at Folksy  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec


Spring sale until the end of April at Folksy  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Spring sale until the end of April at Folksy  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Spring sale until the end of April at Folksy  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Thursday 18 April 2024

Flow monoprint and mixed media

With the Easter holidays over and my son back at school I have been getting busy reopening my Etsy Store. Amongst the new works available are pieces from this pebble project including the three pieces below. 

Flow I   21x30cm mono and mixed media   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

These pieces have proved so difficult to photograph. I have tried so many backgrounds and on so many days with differing light but I think this is the closest I am going to get. In reality the backing paper of the prints are a couple of shades warmer but the pebble shapes are accurate on my screen. These are a mixture of print, collage and drawing on A4 Lokta paper.

Flow II   21x30cm mono and mixed media   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Flow III   21x30cm mono and mixed media   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Tracing sunshine reflected from my mug - a timed drawing   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

From the photographs above you can see where some of the inspiration for the drawing came from. The sun was shining brightly (briefly) through the window and reflecting on a mug of pencils on to the desk top. I traced the reflections onto a scrap of paper then about 30 mins later as the sun had moved slightly and when it reappeared I traced again. I would have kept going but the sky clouded over and the rain came. I will set up another drawing on another sunny day and trace the sun's progress across the sky in it's reflections, It might be an interesting experiment and result in some interesting distortions.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Land or Sea? - collage and mixed media

Untitled A4ish collage and mixed media on paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Pebbles colour inspiration ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

I am pushed and pulled on the tide.. is the series about the pebbles or the sea each new piece seems to change its' focus first land is more dominant then the this a metaphor.....? Edges, relationships, boundaries, liminal, erosion, words that are scribbled in my sketchbook.

Untitled A4ish collage and mixed media on paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Detail - Untitled A4ish collage and mixed media on paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Sand Ripples ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted! A virus got the better of me and then ten days of road trip travelling as far up as Edinburgh and Whitby to Liverpool across with a stop off in York has kept me away. So much inspiration on the trip and much beach treasure gathered.

I will be reopening my Etsy shop again soon. There has been quite a few changes since it was last open so a steep learning curve to get up to scratch but hopefully I will be ready in the next couple of weeks. Some of these new works will be available there.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Broken but Still Beautilful II & III


I neglected to post February's Broken but Still Beautiful drawing, time ran away with me again. So this month double bubble and two drawings to post!

Broken but Still Beautiful II   pencil on A4 paper   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

The shell above I use often in flat lays when photographing my work for my shop. I love the elegant shape of the curves. It is also quite unusually pure white.

Broken but Still Beautiful III   pencil on A4 paper   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

No.III is full of elegant curves too, I think this is why I am so attracted to drawing the broken bits of whelks. They are so sculptural and the forms make for dramatic tonal values.

Thursday 29 February 2024

Delicate Waves - Japandi on Spoonflower


Delicate Waves ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Between all the collaging and printing experiments for the pebble series, I have been working on a new design to compliment the Coastal Collection that I brought out on Spoonflower and RedBubble. The design is made in various combinations for this collection and also for some others that are being worked on in the background (more on those later).

Of course I favour all the blue and blue/green combinations but I also have versions in neutrals and pinks available. You can find the design on different types of fabric, wallpaper and home accessories on Spoonflower in it's own collection Delicate waves - Japandi or within the separate collections that the colourway compliments. I have also uploaded it into my RedBubble Store where it can be purchased on even more products including clothing and accessories.

Delicate waves Neutral on Cream ©2024LisaLeQuelenec available at Spoonflower

Delicate Waves Cream on Taupe ©2024LisaLeQuelenec available on Spoonflower

Delicate Waves Pink Blush on Cream ©2024LisaLeQuelenec available on Spoonflower

Friday 23 February 2024

Mixed media collage - tide patterns


Untitled   Mixed media collage on A5ish watercolour paper  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Untitled   Mixed media collage on A5ish watercolour paper  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Tide patterns ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Sand ripples ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Thinking about the patterns left by wind and water on the sand, how it forms ripples and carves hills and troughs - the traces left behind.

Worn by water and wind   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

So many of my reference photos have dogs walking through, sometimes Lu sometimes randoms... I think she shows the scale rather well in this one though. The pattern has formed by dry sand catching on the textures made by the sea as it is blown across the beach. This photo was taken in Jersey where the large and rapid tides make large shapes. By contrast the photo below is much smaller in scale.

The trail of water flowing back to the sea, navigating the pebbles left behind   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Thursday 8 February 2024

Lokta - media experiments on new to me paper and gathering resources


Top right - experiments with different media on handmade Lokta paper
Top left - initial ideas for a range of colours for the project
Bottom - experiments with lino ink and carved stamps

Gathering thoughts and experiments to continue with the pebble project.....

Experiments with different media on handmade Lokta paper  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

I bought some Lokta paper, it is A4 and a beautiful creamy colour, some with speckles. It is  thin, strong and fibrous and one side is slightly smoother than the other. I did the same experiments on both surfaces but the difference in results was negligible. Wetting the paper and tearing gives a lovely 'fluffy' edge (like most thin handmade papers) and it cuts well with knife and scissors - these are characteristics that I want to utilise in the coming works.

My next experiments were using lino printing ink in both bold colours, neutrals and off whites.

lino print experiment on Lokta paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

lino print experiment on Lokta paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

lino print experiment on Lokta paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

The results are subtle, I had to photograph these with a dark paper behind to show the contrast as the camera struggles to pick up the pale tones. I rather like the effect though and will definitely be exploring very pale compositions at some point - maybe more as drawings....


Print, collage, acrylic ink and pencil on Lokta paper...about A6ish   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Exploring shape, line and rhythm. There is something very calming about drawing flowing lines. I'm making connections in my mind with Japanese gravel gardens, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham drawings and ripples on still water. I feel like I am edging towards something...maybe I am flowing too?

Sand ripples left by the tide   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Aren't these ripples divine? The tide was fast and strong to leave these behind, they are quite large and deep.

A Falling Tide   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

The shot below was taken through the lens of my sunglasses - I like the dramatic tonal contrast.

Sand ripples through my sunglasses   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

All these sources will no doubt filter into this next body of work, I'm enjoying the process of collating and curating.