Saturday 12 November 2016

Gathering storms and gathering ideas

Storm Gathering sketchbook studies in acrylic   A4 sketchbook   ©2016LisaLeQuelenec

I would call them winter bugs but it isn't winter yet...but being under the weather has plagued my house recently. If not one of us it was another. There seems to be a respite at the moment (I am touching wood) however it has left me feeling rather depleted of energy and ideas. So back to the sketchbooks I go playing with paint and pencil and just seeing where it will lead. As the days are shortening it feels right to be hunkering down and having a little time out.

I am working my way through my reading list too; 'Go set a Watchman' by Harper Lee, A collection of Neruda's Odes and Printmaking in the Sun by Dan Welden are amongst my pile. (The irony isn't lost on me - I would love to be printmaking in the sun - probably next year ;o) ?) I'm sure there will be much to inspire there.

Mussel shell colour inspiration ©2016LisaLeQuelenec


Bruce Sherman said...

Hi there Lisa!... Beware the "winds of November"... they blow surly... filled with a first reminder of the chill that awaits us ahead.

We use three drops of aromatherapeutic essential oils in a combination-blend to keep the evil spirits at bay... and it really works!

You have the right idea about finding your path back tthrough the woods to your source - ALWAYS... one's sketch books. That's where I am currently... and along with the reading they keep my spark plugs firing. Sooner... than later my nneed nd path will lead me back to the easel.... and outdoors.

We depart Canada for the Barbados on December 19th for the winter and will not be returning until February 23RD. WE will spend Christmas with my daughter Lisa who resides there... and then we will move off to our own digs for the remainder of our stay. Exciting! Fingers crossed that Allie is okay... that's the only possible snag. BUt we're all feeling positive and are "on the same page".

Keep up the good fight and application of remedies... for boredom and the flu bugs flying about!

Good Painting and good health!
Warmest regards,

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Bruce! How exciting! That sounds like a wonderful trip to take. I'm sure there will be much sketching to do there.

I hope Allison is doing well, I continue to think of her with healing thoughts and wish you and your clan well. I hope for a better and healthy 2017.

I continue with my sketchbooks and my reading - plugging away and keep on keeping on. It will come eventually..

Best wishes.