An edition of 100 variable etchings, the first 50 prints are pure etching the latter etching with mixed media (some with chine collé). An exploration of repetition and change - an evolving image.
The etched plate image measures 6x8cm (approx 1.25x3.25inch) and they are printed on
paper measuring 15x21cm (approx5.75x8.25inch).
Wall 1 Ammonite prints 1 - 10 etchings 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelene |
Wall 2 Ammonite prints 11 - 21 etchings 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
Wall 3 Ammonite prints 22 - 39 etchings 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
Wall 4 Ammonite prints 40 - 50 etchings 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
Wall 5 Ammonite prints 51 - 58 etchings with chine collé 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
Wall 6 Ammonite prints 59 - 62 etchings with chine collé 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
Wall 7 Ammonite prints 63 - 69 etchings with chine collé and mixed media 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
Wall 8 Ammonite prints 70 - 81 etchings with chine collé and mixed media 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
Wall 9 Ammonite prints 82 - 90 etchings with chine collé and mixed media 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
Wall 10 Ammonite prints 91 - 100 etchings with chine collé and mixed media 6x8cm ©2016 Lisa Le Quelenec |
To purchase any of the original works please see the 100 ammonites project section in my Folksy store;
A set of six images are available as greeting cards, postcards and notebooks at;
There is also a catalogue of all 100 variations available at Blurb available as a paperback or PDF for download;
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