Thursday 19 January 2023

Sundown - oil on paper


Sundown II   oil on paper 13.5x13.5cm   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

There have been some very cold but beautifully clear evenings the last few days. The colours are so inspiring and seem even more vibrant after weeks of pale grey skies. These small paintings may be the precursor to some larger paintings later in the year. 

All three are available mounted in my Folksy store.

Sundown   oil on paper 13.5x13.5cm   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Sundown III   oil on paper 13.5x13.5cm   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Thursday 12 January 2023

Limpets and seaglass - watercolour


Limpet and seaglass  WIP watercolour 23x23cm approx  ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Limpet and seaglass  WIP watercolour 23x23cm approx  ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

I'm not sure whether to continue painting at this point so added real shells and glass in various combinations to see where it might lead and try to nudge a decision.... I think part of the issue I have is that I am so unused to seeing my work on NOT paper as I usually use HOT PRESS and it has thrown me a bit... decisions...decisions....

Limpet and seaglass with real limpet shells and seaglass WIP watercolour 23x23cm approx  ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Limpet shell spiral -drypoint varied edition


Limpets   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Inspiration found playing with beach finds led to a drypoint. A small edition all quite different but still the same.

Limpet Spiral   drypoint varied edition of 6    ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Limpet Spiral   drypoint and metallic paint varied edition of 6    ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Limpet Spiral detail   drypoint and metallic paint varied edition of 6    ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Limpet Spiral   drypoint and metallic paint varied edition of 6    ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

The first and last prints are now available in my Folksy Store.

Sunday 8 January 2023

Happy New Year!


Well December ran away with me in a rollercoaster of child illnesses, Christmas preparations and travelling. 

The ferry over was a little bumpy with a 'bit of a swell' and as we came around by Corbiere on the journey to Jersey. I took advantage of the slow progress the ferry was making. I whipped out my sketchbook and little pouch of pencils AKA my emergency sketch kit and tried to capture the wind whipped sea and the lighthouse.

La Corbiere Lighthouse - ferry view detail   pencil sketch A6 sketchbook   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

The sketchbook is an A6 Stillman & Birn Nova with grey toned paper. The pencils are the tiny left over nubs that have been replaced for studio work, but as they are the most used colours and as they are only used for firing off quick notes and ideas they are adequate for short periods of use and my hands don't complain too much.

La Corbiere Lighthouse - ferry view and sketch kit   pencil sketch A6 sketchbook   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

The weather continued to bluster and blow whilst we were there but beautiful beachy moments were there for capturing. Even better was the time spent with family making up for the Christmas's missed during lockdowns.

Toward Green Island - Jersey ©2022LisaLeQuelenec


Green Island - Jersey ©2022LisaLeQuelenec

Green Island - Jersey ©2022LisaLeQuelenec

And now.....back to work where I am sure lots of these inspiring views will be put to good use.

I hope everyone has enjoyed a break and is looking forward to a happy, healthy and successful (whatever that means to you) 2023. Best wishes.