Friday 21 December 2012

Season greetings

Wishing everyone very happy holidays and best wishes for a healthy, happy, creative & successful 2013. Thank you for checking in to my seaside studio and for all your support throughout the last twelve months. I look forward to seeing you in the new year.

                                                                                                                Best wishes Lisa x

Urchin tree watercolour ©2012Lisa Le Quelenec

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Beach Life - a triptych

Beach Life       50.5x21.5cm mounted       ©2012LisaLeQuelenec

I love painting these little watercolour studies. I was thinking about framing and ways of presenting them for exhibition and thought I would try them out in a mount as a triptych. Usually I paint these studies on  Khadi  handmade paper but these were on a different paper (not sure which but it is more like a usual watercolour paper) I quite like seeing them as a collection but what do you think?

Monday 17 December 2012

Seahorse studies

Seahorse studies   pencil & watercolour A3   ©2012Lisa Le Quelenc

I'd forgotten about some photos that I had taken some years ago at an aquarium of these little fellows. I stumbled across them recently and whilst the photographs were a little out of focus and dark there was just enough information coupled with memory to produce this couple of studies.

They are such beautiful, graceful and shy creatures. I wish I could remember where I saw them so that I could go back again to observe them.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Sea fan pen and ink

           Sea Fan sketch pen and ink ©2012Lisa Le Quelenec         

It feels like a long time since I last posted, so much has been going on. I've not had much time over the last week to do any work that I could post but I did grab some time for sketching a sea fan. I turned to pen and ink as I haven't used this medium for a while and I love the sensitivity of a dip pen. Whilst drawing I was struck by the amazing efficiency of the structure of the sea fan. The flatness and the way the fronds rarely overlap managing to form a very efficient net to filter it's food from the water. I think I could learn some lessons in efficiency from the sea fan.... (note to self; one thing at a time, one direction at a time and go with the flow....)

Monday 3 December 2012

From the dunes

From the Dunes   30x30cm acrylic on canvas   ©2012LisaLeQuelenec

With all the rain, the flooding and the sudden drop in temperature over the last couple of weeks I have been dreaming of summer. Particularly sitting on the beach at shell bay and watching the tide. I felt like I deserved a little warmth, sunshine and rest after the hectic time spent with getting exhibitions together and so indulged myself - this is the result. Some people don't like blue paintings for the cold feeling that it gives them. These soft blues always make me think the opposite. I get transported to the feeling of summer heat.

Every time that I paint a view like this I seem to be honing down and painting less and less detail. A part of me wonders if I will get to a point where there is no realistic point of reference and I end with paintings of nothing but colour and light. Something for me to ponder going forward I think.