Thursday 29 November 2012

Light, space and time

Silver birch moon   30x40cm acrylic on canvas ©2012 Lisa Le Quelenec

I've just found out that both paintings I entered into the Red House Museum's open exhibition have been accepted. The subject for this years show was 'Light, Space and Time' and I submitted Silver Birch Moon and True Blue.

I'm looking forward to seeing the show when it opens on Saturday as I'm sure there will be a wonderful mix of work as in previous years. It's always interesting to see how a group of artists using different media and sources respond to the same theme. The exhibition runs until 26th January and details about the opening times of the museum can be found here.

True Blue acrylic on canvas 30x60cm © Lisa Le Quelenec

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Just for fun

Nigel   watercolour 11x8cm   ©2012Lisa Le Quelenec

Can you help? This cute and colourful little fellow is Nigel who is looking for his forever home. He feels that he would suit a situation with a young family, perhaps within their nursery as he is wonderful with children and enjoys watching their fun and games. He's kinda cute, upbeat, fun, house trained and impeccably well mannered.

If you could help Nigel  find his forever home please click here.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Acorns watercolour study

Acorn study watercolour 15x21cm ©2012Lisa Le Quelenec

Continuing from yesterday's drawing I thought I would do a watercolour version to add to my series of nature studies. I added a few leaves to show a bit more depth in this version. I love doing these little studies they feel like a record of my strolls around the local area. When I look back at them I remember where I was when I found that particular little treasure. My magpie eyes get attracted by these little objects.

The painting is available here on Etsy.

Monday 19 November 2012

From my pocket

Acorns coloured pencil 18x24cm ©2012Lisa Le Quelenec

Ooooops! Look what I found in my jacket pocket that I had forgotten all about. I'm pretty sure that I picked these up on a walk in Throop in early October. The colour of the acorns has mellowed into a beautiful amber, quite different to the fresh green that initially caught my eye when I picked them up. They have shrunk considerably too, the acorns rattling around in their cups.

It's only whilst looking at them so closely that I have seen the delicate wine/purple edging the grey scales of the cups. Perfect against the amber. These colours will be a page in my colour notebook as swatches for a future painting.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Sketching gulls

Watching the gulls gliding past and trying to sketch is quite a challenge. Sometimes they are just too quick! When they try to go against a strong wind it makes life much easier for sketching practice.

I like the energy of line drawings. The more detailed ones I did with the help of a couple of photos. Funny how you think you know something because you have seen it so many times before and then when you start to draw find that you haven't looked properly enough. A reminder to keep my drawing eyes open ALL the time.

gulls pencil sketches ©2012Lisa Le Quelenec
gulls pencil sketches ©2012Lisa Le Quelenec

Monday 12 November 2012

Awaiting the tide

Awaiting the tide   23x23cm watercolour    ©2012Lisa Le Quelenec

I love the patterns left by the tide in the sand. The ripples where water collects, reflecting the sky, makes a lovely contrast in tone with the darker sand especially during the early evening as the light mellows and shadows turn purple hued.

This painting is included in the Hayloft Gallery Christmas show. The exhibition is open until 20th December and is open 10 - 4pm.

Thursday 8 November 2012

A slice of summer

A slice of summer   20x30cm acrylic on canvas ©2012LisaLeQuelenec 

A little slice of summer....

I didn't really have an end in mind painting this one, I was just enjoying the colour  and light too much. Usually there are sketchbook plans, thumbnails of colour, tone, composition etc Sometimes it feels good to cut loose and free style.

Saturday sees the opening of the Christmas Exhibition at the Hayloft Gallery in Christchurch. The exhibition is open from 10am - 4pm until the 20th December and there will be a wealth of art and crafts that are perfect for Christmas gifts.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Evening sail

So much can change minute to minute or less at this time of day. What a challenge to paint and try to capture it! I painted these from a group of sketches, photos and memories that I made at the beach in Southbourne during the summer. All the work done on site is invaluable during the winter months when it is too wet to get outside. The rich store of information sees me through the winter.

Evening Sail I 10x10cm acrylic on canvas ©2012LisaLeQuelenec

Evening Sail II 10x10cm acrylic on canvas ©2012LisaLeQuelenec