Monday 29 May 2023

New repeat print designs available at RedBubble


Beach Vibes ©2023LisaLeQuelenec available at

I have been a busy bee adding new limpet inspired designs to my RedBubble Store store and this week there is 20% off.

Each design is available as a selection of apparel, home accessories and stationery. 

Sunny Days ©2023LisaLeQuelenec available at

Sunny Days II ©2023LisaLeQuelenec available at

Sunny Days III ©2023LisaLeQuelenec available at

Let me know what you think.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Rockpool series - lino monoprints


Rockpool Series   approximately 14x20cm lino monoprints   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

I have sadly neglected my blog this last few weeks due to a number of things - just life keeping me out of mischief rather than paint or ink - but I haven't been completely idle. A new series of work is underway which is really quite different to the gulls I had been painting. With the arrival of longer Spring days and a little more sunshine I have been feeling the season. Of course I am still roaming the coast but I have been turning more attention to rockpools and the memories of the ones we explored in Jersey on my last trip....back to limpets and limpet rings, summery colours and the joyous feeling of long Summer days. Fresh breezy colours and simplified shapes are dominating at the moment with a little green creeping in at the edges.

Rockpool Series   13x17.5cm   lino monoprint   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Rockpool Series   approximately 14x20cm lino monoprints with added drawing  ©2023LisaLeQuelenec

Added drawing and mark making and then with the promise of some hot sun to come....golden yellow. All the images here are available to purchase from my  Folksy Store. I am enjoying this series immensely and can see lots of ways for it to develop so I will get back to my sketchbook and try a few more experiments, I wonder which path I will take next.

Rockpool Series   approximately 14x20cm lino monoprints with added drawing  ©2023LisaLeQuelenec