Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Mixing it up a bit

This is another experiment using monoprints, on the left I'd added watercolour which resisted the ink of the monoprint. There wasn't very much bare paper in the top area so really the change was nominal. My intention was to slightly refine the drawing and beef up the colour in some areas whilst still keeping lots of the mark making of the print.

On the right is a picture of the same piece with added colour pencil (Derwent). This toned down some clumsy areas where the ink had been too thick but flattened out the light in the tops of the reeds.

To gain back light and get in even more colour I worked back in with pastel. Believe it or not there is still quite a bit of the original monoprint visible. I've added a detail of the painting which shows the amount of colour more truly, the photo of the whole has flattened it somewhat.


vivien said...

great experimenting and lovely results - mixing media like this gives such a wide range of mark making doesn't it? I always tell me students that a wide visual vocabulary is important to draw on as they need it - I must send them to look at these :>)

Unknown said...

I love this and your previous mixed media post. River banks and reed beds are just so full of colour but difficult to get right - but these are all very inspirational to me :)

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Hi Vivien, thank you very much. Playing with media is certainly giving me a boost of ideas at the moment. The only trouble is which ones to explore further first...

Hello Michael, thank you. I'm looking forward to your next post.

I wish you both a great weekend.