Well now....... where exactly did June go? I can't believe it's July already. This last week I've been visiting my folks in Jersey, having long walks on the beautiful beaches there and having trips to some of the local tourist spots. One of the places I visited was the Eric Young Orchid Foundation, somewhere I hadn't been for years. I love sketching the structures of orchids.
Hi Lisa. Lilies really are such beautiful structured flowers. Nice to see your sketches with colour notes too. You're very organised - unlike me! Can we expect to see these in one of your wonderful acrylics soon?
Whoops. I meant Orchids. Oh well, thank goodness it's Friday, LOL
Hi Michael, thank you. There may well be some orchid pictures on the horizon. (there may be some lily paintings too ;o) I like to draw them as well)I hope you had a great weekend.
Hi Lisa, glad you enjoyed the *zing* of my colors today! It was a fun one to do, to let loose the saturation that cries out to be heard, so often.
I have been growing orchids for about 10 years. They are endlessly fascinating.
Hello Jala, thank you for visiting. Your right they are fascinating, I've been mulling over how to go about painting them - they are so perfect I'm not sure I'll do them justice. Yours must be in a very safe place away from curious kitties :o)
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