Thursday, 3 October 2019

Arriving storm - drypoint with collagraph

We have had some spectacular weather the past week or so...lashing rain, howling wind, there have also been some breathtakingly beautiful sunsets. I love Autumn and all its changeability, I am looking forward to seeing the changing colours. It won't be long now I think.

The storms have been quite something and have been prompting some new work.

Storm at Sea   14x14cm drypoint with collagraph monoprint   ©2019LisaLe Quelenec

A mixture of techniques have been used to make this print - there are areas of drypoint and collagraph and due to the disintegration of the plate in the sky area each time it travelled through the press, each print has altered and arrives at the other side appearing quite different. I like the idea of the plate physically eroding like the coastline it is depicting in the storm.

This print is available at Seaside Studios UK.


Bruce Sherman said...

Hi there Lisa!

A lovely blend of effects achieved through the erosive effects of your process. The process that you hope to achieve closely achieves a strong comparison to the natural decay created by wind and storm. No day on the beach ever appears the same as the one before... or after.

The great draw and anticipation one feels in awaiting what appears when the paper passes through the press creates the joy in creation.

Bravo! Another successful interface with your materials and creative energy!

Warmest regards... Happy Fall Printmaking!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The sky captures the feeling of autumns rain and wind very well. Good work

ashok said...

wow! nice works of Art !

Debbie Nolan said...

One really feels the storms that have been visiting you. Drypoint is something I have never done...I love your results. Hope you are having a great October week. Are you walking your pooch when the weather is fit? Hope so. Hugs!

RH Carpenter said...

Beautiful! I think printmaking of all kinds helps us let go of things because each print is different and we can't control it much at all but wait to see the beauty in the changes.

Sherrie York said...

Hi Lisa... I love the variety of texture you've been able to achieve here. I'm anxious to do some studio experiments myself, but I've been held up by other deadlines and a press malfunction! Eeek. Glad to see you're still hard a work, though! Press on!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Hi Bruce, thank you. I think I would like to explore the idea of the errosion becoming part of the process as well as the subject. I think a new project is brewing... especially with regards to mixing printing techniques - watch this space something is brewing ;o)

Thank you Maywyn, best wishes.

Thank you too Ashok :o)

Hi Debbie, yes rain or shine the pooch is walked. I am starting to feel overdressed if I am not covered in mud. It is worth it to see her beaming face and wagging tail. It has been nice to observe the little changes on our route this year, it is definitely feeling like Autumn now as the early morning fog has started when it isn't raining. - Best wishes.

Thank you Rhonda, it is always a surprise to see the results when you peel back the paper isn't it. I like the element of chance. Wishing you a creative week.

Hi Sherrie, lovely to see you. A press malfunction sounds serious I hope it isn't too bad. I will sit myself down with a big pot of coffee very soon to read of your adventures. You are so busy these days and your blog is my favourite binge read (much better than a box set). Thank you about the work, I hope you get some experiment time and I will 'see' you soon.