Friday 14 June 2024

Little treasures from the shore

Auger shells ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Look at these little beauties found in Scotland. I have never found these before though I believe they can be found here in the South. I may have jigged a little happy dance when I spotted the first one 😊 The colours are many and are really subtle when you look closely. I picked up these three for the variation in their colouring, the photo doesn't do them justice.

The treasures in the photo below are from a more recent trip to Kimmeridge, I think they make a nice potential palette.

Pebble, limpet, seaweed and plastic ©2024LisaLeQuelenec


RH Carpenter said...

Oh, these are lovely inspirational pieces!

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Lisa - your shells are gorgeous...I can see that these will be inspiring some of your lovely art work. Read your comment about things being early - it is about two weeks here...generally pick raspberries around end of June into July - but this year we are seeing them ripening much earlier. Hope you are staying cool and enjoying this month. Hugs!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Aren't they Rhonda, I love the colours.

Hi Debbie, I'm not sure what is happening with the seasons - it feels a bit topsy turvey. I still can't believe it is mid June and tomorrow we go to an open day for a secondary school (I think high school in the US?) as next year my son will be going and we need to apply this year - where did that ten years go? I feel old! ;o) Best wishes for a good weeks gardening, dog walking and painting.