Thursday, 20 February 2025

The beginning of the nine daughters of Ran


Making connections -  Ran's daughters   print and mixed media    ©2025LisaLeQuelenec

Ran had nine daughters whose names were;

Blóðughadda - (bloody hair - maybe the threadlike appearance of water from the crest of a wave)

Bylgia - (billowing)

Dröfn or Bára (comber/foaming wave)

Dúfa - (wave)

Hefring or Hefrenög - (lifting)

Himinglæva - (transparent on top)

Hrönn - (wave)

Kólga - (cool wave)

Uðr or Unnor - (wave and also a name for Odin and the name of a river)

Information taken from Wikipedia Page  Nine Daughters of Aegir and Ran

First steps in a new project... feeling my way... ideas line for each measure on the scale from calm to chaos.... the last to represent Ran.... a progression of colour and tone from pale to dark/deep...loose connections....drifting ideas...

Drawing plan for the Daughters of Ran   ©2025LisaLeQuelenec


Debbie Nolan said...

Lisa this looks like you have a great plan. It is always amazing to see what inspires your beautiful art pieces. I always adore your choice of colors too. Well take care friend - will be looking forward to see where this drawing plan takes you next. Hugs!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Hi Debbie, thank you. I will be using my happy palette for these; aqua, seaglass green, turquoise, indigo and everything inbetween. I hope you will enjoy this ocean crossing adventure and remember to pack your sea legs things will get a bit rough ;o)

I hope Gunnar is giving you an easy ride with puppy training - all good fun!

Anonymous said...

Just saw your most recent post and fell in love with the colors so had to come here and see where the inspiration came from - lovely. Water or moving air in the spring breeze? Either way, they are really interesting and beautiful. Now to read more about Ran and her daughters….

RH Carpenter said...

Sorry, Lisa. The top Anonymous commenter was me - wasn’t signed in and didn’t realize it until I’d pressed Publish. I thought computers were supposed to be able to read our minds by now? :)

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Hello Rhonda, thank you so much. Between you and me I don't think it will be long before they can ;o) Best wishes, just about to post the next instalment and then have a catch up with everyone. See you soon.