Saturday, 1 September 2012

Drumroll please.........

Last night all entries were put into the hat and His Nibbs dutifully picked out a slip.

And the winner is ......

Zoe of  Pentamento . 

Your painting will be flying across the ocean to you just as soon as the post office reopens on Monday.

Thank you to everyone who entered and for everyone's continued support over the year. It means such a lot and I truly value the friendships and connections that I have been able to make through blogging. It's something that I would have never dreamed possible a few years ago. Isn't the world a wonderful place!


RH Carpenter said...

What a great way to start September - congratulations, Zoe!

Sharon Whitley said...

Congrats Zoe - I'm new to blogging and it's lovely to read this sort of thing - already after 2 months of blogging I'm valuing the interaction and lovely messages of support I'm getting from fellow bloggers, this is a lovely idea to say thank you!

Bruce Sherman said...

Good Morning Lisa!... Congrats to Zoe for her good luck... and my hat's off to "You" my dear for the quality of the piece that you offered... but mostly for the ever-present generosity of spirit that is evident in each of your posts!

Blogging is indeed a wonderful vehicle to reach out across the vast space of oceans and land... to share thoughts... ideas and a new form of friendship.

I thank "You"... for your friendship and for your sharing!

Good luck... and Good Painting!
Warmest regards,

Zoe, ontheroad said...

Lisa, thank you for having such a terrific blog with wonderful and thoughtful posts and paintings, and thank you SO MUCH to "his nibs" for pulling my name.

Many thanks, too, to Sharon, Rhonda, and Bruce.

I am so excited to receive this painting. I will hang it with pride in my new house.

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Hi Rhonda, September is one of the best months isn't it?

Hello Sharon, the bloggosphere is such a friendly welcoming and very supportive place. I love being a part of this community. Before you know it, it'll be your bloggoversary too.

Hi Bruce, thank you. One day technology will have advanced to allow us to all meet up in the blink of an eye. We'll all be saying 'Beam me up Scotty'. It can't be too long now surely.

Hi Zoe, thank you and you are most welcome. It's been sent on it's way and will be with you soon.