Thursday 9 November 2023

Turquoise Sea Gloaming - acrylic on canvas board


Turquoise Sea Gloaming   15x15cm acrylic on canvas board   ©2023LisaLeQuelenec   

Cool, crisp Autumn - that special blue in the gloaming is possibly my favourite colour. 

This painting is available in my Folksy store, it's just the right size to sit on a shelf or mantle - framed or unframed.


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful. The seaglass is pretty as well.

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Thank you so much! I have found some really pretty colours in seaglass this year - I can't stop myself picking it up. Best wishes.

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah this is so beautiful Lisa. I can just imagine standing at the edge of the sea and looking out. I hope you and your loved ones and pooch are having a lovely November. Take care and sending you hugs from across the way!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Thank you so much Debbie, So far November has been quite wet and muddy but the cooler crisper and hopefully drier weather is coming. Not that Lu minds the mud... she like to bathe in it, splosh through it and eat it! On the whole it has been a good month and nice and busy. Best wishes to you and I hope your Thanksgiving day is full of family and joy.