Thursday 16 May 2024

Broken but still beautiful V


Broken But Still Beautiful V

A little bit of a change this month - after starting out in pencil I thought this one was a dramatic enough shape to explore in ink with more extreme tonal contrasts. I quite like the stronger background. 

Stages of Broken But Still Beautiful V  A4-ish acrylic ink  ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

This month's model was acquired in Longniddry, Scotland. I was astonished at the size of the shells I found there. The majority of the whelks (and scallops) that I found there were at least twice/three times the size of the largest ones that I find along the South Coast (size comparison in the photo below). I collected a few beautifully broken ones and one with the most stunning 'pashmina' of barnacles. I will save this one for later in the year, maybe an extra large version when I can work outside... 

Whelks ©2024LisaLeQuelenec


laura said...

A gorgeous work, so classic and yet expressive: there's wonder and worship in there.
I have a number of broken shells--love seeing the inner curves--b7t I find them so hard to draw!
It was very tempting to try to smuggle shells--so many limpet shells, in veriouscolors-- and rocks!, out of Scotland, but I couldn't do it. Had to content myself with legal-to-take beach glass!

RH Carpenter said...

A pashmina of barnacles! What an evocative description of what you are doing. Lovely, elegant lines on these.

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Ohhh Laura, you are good! I'm calling them a borrow as I hope to go back and will be able to return them ;o) Your trip looked like it was very inspiring for you, you packed so much in.

Thank you Rhonda, I had to keep checking my spelling as at a wedding once a chap was teasing all the girls with 'poshminas' and now in my head that is what I call them every time.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh what a great and dramatic work of art Lisa...the Whelks are wonderful subjects. I have shells stored away in a tin box that I gathered almost twenty-five years ago. Should pull them out and give them a look. As always enjoy all your lovely art.

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Thanks Debbie, they are such lovely shapes to draw. It would be great to see what you do with yours. Best wishes.