Thursday 27 June 2024

Emerging - Broken but Still Beautiful - June


Emerging   mixed media on paper 33x75cm   ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

A much bigger beauty for June, I felt like a larger scale and a bit of blue. I think it suits her - loud and proud.

Using a swordliner brush in the background for the sinuous lines that I feel echo both shell and the idea of water, it felt good to stretch a bit. I used a combination of watercolour, watersoluble pencils, gouache and acrylic ink to get the darkest darks. Back to pencil next month I think.

Emerging   mixed media   prints, stationery and accessories available at RedBubble   ©2024LisaLeQulenec


Debbie Nolan said...

Lisa what a great post showing the lovely progression of your beach find. Your color of blue is simply divine. So lovely. Hard to believe it is the end of this beautiful month. I want to capture summer and slow it down - how about you?? Hugs!

RH Carpenter said...

The curving lines really add to the painting and it was fun seeing the progression of this one :).