Thursday 3 October 2024

Shades of Autumn - Acorns drypoint prints


Acorns variable edition drypoint print 8x7.5cm available individually ©2024LisaLeQuelenec

Acorns that found their way into my pocket whilst out walking my dog. Each printed in a different autumnal shade and one in a soft warm charcoal black. I have two proof prints made whilst the plate was being tested for the edition which I may work into with mixed media at a later date. I have put a couple of the prints in both my Etsy and Folksy stores. 

I enjoyed printing the edition one print after another mixing the ink as I went adding to the colour left by the previous mix. I think I may do more of these with different motifs. It was nice to try something different. 

Acorns variable edition drypoint print 8x7.5cm available individually ©2024LisaLeQuelenec