Top right - experiments with different media on handmade Lokta paper Top left - initial ideas for a range of colours for the project Bottom - experiments with lino ink and carved stamps ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
Gathering thoughts and experiments to continue with the pebble project.....
Experiments with different media on handmade Lokta paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
I bought some Lokta paper, it is A4 and a beautiful creamy colour, some with speckles. It is thin, strong and fibrous and one side is slightly smoother than the other. I did the same experiments on both surfaces but the difference in results was negligible. Wetting the paper and tearing gives a lovely 'fluffy' edge (like most thin handmade papers) and it cuts well with knife and scissors - these are characteristics that I want to utilise in the coming works.
My next experiments were using lino printing ink in both bold colours, neutrals and off whites.
lino print experiment on Lokta paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
lino print experiment on Lokta paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
lino print experiment on Lokta paper ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
The results are subtle, I had to photograph these with a dark paper behind to show the contrast as the camera struggles to pick up the pale tones. I rather like the effect though and will definitely be exploring very pale compositions at some point - maybe more as drawings....
Print, collage, acrylic ink and pencil on Lokta paper...about A6ish ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
Exploring shape, line and rhythm. There is something very calming about drawing flowing lines. I'm making connections in my mind with Japanese gravel gardens, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham drawings and ripples on still water. I feel like I am edging towards something...maybe I am flowing too?
Sand ripples left by the tide ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
Aren't these ripples divine? The tide was fast and strong to leave these behind, they are quite large and deep.
A Falling Tide ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
The shot below was taken through the lens of my sunglasses - I like the dramatic tonal contrast.
Sand ripples through my sunglasses ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
All these sources will no doubt filter into this next body of work, I'm enjoying the process of collating and curating.