I was itching to play with my usual inky blues so indulged myself for a day with some monoprinting...
Submerge monoprint and mixed media 9.5x15cm ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
Details from a lino stamp used in pebble monoprints ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
I enjoyed experimenting with layers of thick and thin ink and how they interacted. I used lots of ink extender for very thin and transparent layers (it works much like glaze medium in oil and acrylic painting). Once the prints were dry some pebbles were collaged in and extra white ink drawn in to enhance the light/current/flow. I wanted the feeling of being pulled gently under water.
Descend I -IV monoprint and mixed media 9.5x15cm ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
The same prints just playing with layouts - seeing how they speak to each other/if they speak to each other.
Descend I - IV monoprint and mixed media 9.5x15cm ©2024LisaLeQuelenec |
Sometimes erosion seems to happen quickly and violently as in a storm but sometimes it is the persistent, gradual and slow process of wearing surfaces over many years that leads up to the big event. I think this is true of painting/printing too. Some days you feel like you have made leaps in your work but it is all the days where tiny little steps have been made that are important to get to your goal. Slow and persistent - the message that I take from the sea.
The two prints at the top in the above photograph are available in my Etsy store and the lower two are available in my Folksy store.